Human Resources

Resources that you may need whether you are seeking employment, starting employment, or an existing employee. Careers at TIU (click for current positions available)
If you have further questions about Human Resources PLEASE CONTACT:

Stephanie Bilger
Human Resource Specialist/Generalist 
Tuscarora Intermediate Unit
2527 US Hwy 522 S
McVeytown PA 17051-9717

Insurance Benefits: Check out the resources below to help you navigate the choices.

Nondiscrimination Policy

The Tuscarora Intermediate Unit is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, handicap, or limited English proficiency in its educational programs, services, facilities, activities, or employment practices as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Section 504 Regulations of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1975, Section 204 Regulations of the 1984 Carl D. Perkins Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, or any other applicable federal or state statute.  Any person who believes that s/he has been subjected to discrimination shall report all incidents of such conduct to Ms. Lisa Watson, Title VII/Title IX Compliance Officer, Tuscarora Intermediate Unit, 2527 US Hwy 522 South, McVeytown, PA 17051, 814-542-2501 or Brett Gilliland, Director for Educational Support Services, Human Resources, and Principal of Non-Public Schools , Tuscarora Intermediate Unit, 2527 US Hwy 522 South, McVeytown, PA 17051, 814-542-2501.

Please Click Topics Below for Information

Prospective Employees

New Employees

Established Employees

Positions currently available at the TIU are shown on the website’s Careers page.

Interested in working with young children ages 3-5 in an early intervention classroom? The Tuscarora Intermediate Unit (TIU) Early Intervention Program identifies young children, ages 3-5, who have a delay or disability. Some children with significant delays are served in TIU operated Early Intervention classrooms. We operate several early intervention classrooms in the four county area of Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata and Mifflin Counties.

Our structured program employs PA State Certified teachers and Highly Qualified Paraeducators. We utilize STS, a substitute service, for most of our substitute teacher and aide needs. If you meet the criteria and are interested in substituting please contact Lori Espigh for more information about how to become eligible for work with TIU through STS.

If you are not a PA State Certified teacher or Highly Qualified Paraeducator, but are interested in substituting, you may be eligible to participate in the Guest Teacher Program. Please contact Kathy Clark for more information on that program. Either may be reached by calling: (814) 542-2501 or (717) 899-7143

It is a team approach to a problem solving process that allows educators with different expertise to work together with parents to develop effective intervention strategies to help improve the school performance of children.

TIU will be providing extended school year services this summer. If you are interested in being a service provider (teacher, paraeducator, OT, PT, Speech Therapist please visit the ESY Employment Opportunities pagefor more details.

Please select the appropriate application from this list:

Hourly, Non-exempt Positions

(includes statewide projects)

Standard Teacher Application

Please complete and submit the Act 168 packet, as indicated in it, at the same time you submit your application. Act 168 Packet

If no current positions are available but you would like to be considered for future openings please fill out the appropriate application as follows: Clerical/Driver positions: Nonexempt application

Certificated positions: Standard Teacher’s application

All other positions: Exempt application

All applicants are also requested to complete the Applicant Data Record, which is optional but assists us. This data is for periodic government reporting and will be kept in a confidential file separate from the Application for Employment.

The Tuscarora Intermediate Unit is an educational service organization providing educationally related programs to the schools of Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata and Mifflin Counties. Tuscarora Intermediate Unit is an equal rights and opportunity educational service agency and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, disability, age or religion in its activities, educational or vocational programs or employment practices as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act of 1955 as amended.

All activities and courses operated by the Tuscarora Intermediate Unit are available to all students as required by Title VI, Title IX and Section 504. If there are prerequisites, they are based on a student’s ability and aptitude, not on race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex or any handicapping conditions. If a student is physically or mentally handicapped, the student may qualify for special services and instruction, and equipment modifications so he/she can successfully complete the course or participate in an activity.

Questions about equal rights and educational opportunities or complaints of harassment or discrimination should be directed to Lisa Watson, Equal Rights and Opportunity Coordinator, at Tuscarora Intermediate Unit, 2527 US Highway 522 South, McVeytown PA 17051-9717. Phones: 814-542-2501 or 717-899-7143. FAX: 814-542-2569.

There are a variety of helpful resources that you should take some time to review within your first few days with the TIU TIU Email(Gmail Tips) Employee Portal – General– video introduction Portal Basics– powerpoint overview Portal Timesheets–General timesheet instructions for portal submissions Using Calendar (in Google) Using Google Forms

While there is a main TIU holiday schedule, some of our programs and employees follow the state holiday calendar or a modified calendar instead. Please verify which holiday calendar you will follow with your hiring manager.

New Employees, PLEASE CLICK HERE!  There are several forms that must be completed in order to comply with government and TIU guidelines. Many of these must be completed in order to be able to pay you – and we’re pretty sure you want to be paid. To be able to submit your time, if you are part-time, it is very important that these be submitted when you start. Federal Tax Withholding: W-4 & Certificate of Residency(mandatory, for local taxes) Federal Employment Eligibility Verification: I-9 Emergency Contact Form Medical Form: all new employees must submit a health form, any that will work directly with children must include current TB test results. Retirement Participation Form – all new employees must provide information used to determine eligibility and/or participation level for PSERS – the Public School Employees Retirement System. Retirement Participation and Act 129 Form.

Links to all the required clearances are in the left hand column. All positions at the TIU require clearances prior to being able to work. Clearances must be current, completed with in the past year for new hires, and within five years for all employees, on an on-going basis, in order to be considered valid.

The TIU Policy Manual is available on-line and can be accessed through a table of contents pick list. Policy Manual Table of Contents

Mandated reporter training and educator discipline are required trainings every five years.  Click the above link to get to the mandated reporter site.  

To Access the Educator Discipline On-line course from PDE

  1. Go to:    SAS- Pennsylvania Department of Education Standards Aligned System.
  2. Go to the login (upper right hand corner) and log in.  If you do not have an account, you will need to create an account.
  3. Once you have an account, go the PD Center from the drop down…….it will be in the upper right hand corner.
  4. Click on PD Center
  6. In the Search bar at the top….type in   Educator Discipline
  7. Fine the title form the three that best describes your position and go to the right hand side and pick Options.
  8. Click on Register
  9. Make sure the information is correct on the Course Registration page.  If correct, click Register.
  10. This training may contain content that addresses sensitive topics related to child abuse and neglect, including but not limited to physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. The material may be distressing or triggering for some individuals. Please take care of yourself and feel free to reach out for support if needed. Resources for emotional support are available to you throughout the training.
  11. Tuscarora Intermediate Unit #11 utilizes an employee assistance program (EAP).  IF this training causes significant trauma please utilize this link:

Workplace Safety and Your Right to Know HIPPA Harassment Free Workplace

Required Staff Training and Clearances Information 11-21-24

Change of Address – requires new, you may submit information in the portal and then send the confirming paperwork, changes will not take effect until paperwork is received, submit completed form to Payroll Clerk at the main office Change of Name – requires new and requires supporting documentation, complete and submit to Payroll Clerk at the main office Change of Marital Status – requires supporting documentation, submit copy of appropriate documentation to Payroll Clerk at the main office Change of Federal Tax Information – new W4 required, complete and submit to Payroll Clerk at the main office Change of Insurance Coverage – requires change form listed under Personnel Forms and in most cases requires supporting evidence except during open enrollment, complete and submit to Benefits Specialist at the main office Change of Life Insurance beneficiary information (for TIU provided group term life coverage)–GTL Designation of Benificiary. Please return this form by mail to Benefits Specialist at the main office. Change of Direct Deposit Information – requires new form, complete TIU-40 Direct Deposit Authorization and submit to Payroll Clerk at the main office

Clearances Required

Workers Compensation


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