Central Fulton School District
Superintendent: Dr. Christina Ramsey District Office: 151 E Cherry Street, McConnellsburg, PA 17233 Phone: (717) 485-3183 Site: http://www.cfsd.info
Central Fulton School District is a small, rural district located in Fulton County. Total student population is approximately 970, which encompasses pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Pre-K through grade five are located at the McConnellsburg Elementary School, grades six through eight in the McConnellsburg Middle School and grades nine through twelve at the McConnellsburg High School. The buildings are located on the same campus.
Forbes Road School District
Superintendent: Clint Heath Site: http://www.frsd.info
Among the most rural school districts in Pennsylvania, Forbes Road School District services the families of northern Fulton County in the southwestern part of Pennsylvania. Approximately 475 students attend grades K-12 with an average graduating class size of 30.Huntingdon Area School District
Superintendent: Jennifer Mitchell District Office: 2400 Cassady Ave., Suite 2, Huntingdon, PA 16652 Phone: (814) 643-4140 Site: http://huntsd.org
The Huntingdon Area School District encompasses an active community of 20,000 residents living in Central Pennsylvania. The district covers 275 square miles. The student population consists of approximately 875 elementary students (K-5). 480 Middle School Students (6-8), and 630 High School Students(9-12).
Juniata County School District
Superintendent: Christie Holderman District Office: 146 Weatherby Way, Mifflintown PA 17059. Phone: (717) 436-2111 Site: http://jcsdk12.org
The Juniata County School District is located in Mifflintown, PA and includes 11 schools that serve 3,069 students in grades K through 12.
Juniata Valley School District
Superintendent: Michael Zinobile District Office: 7775 Juniata Valley Pike, Alexandria, PA 1661 Phone: (814)669-9150 Site: http://www.jvhornets.com
The Juniata Valley School District is located in Alexandria, PA and includes 2 schools that serve 809 students in grades K through 12.
Mifflin County School District
Superintendent: Vance Varner District Office: 201 Eighth Street – Highland Park, Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: (717) 248-0148 Site: http://www.mcsdk12.org
The Mifflin County School District is located in Lewistown, PA and includes 10 schools that serve 5,540 students in grades K through 12.
Mount Union Area School District
Superintendent: Dr. Amy Smith District Office: 603 North Industrial Drive, Mt. Union, PA 17066 Phone: (814) 542-8631 Site: http://www.muasd.org/
The Mount Union Area School District is located in Mount Union, PA and includes 4 schools that serve 1,506 students in grades K through 12.
Southern Fulton School District
Superintendent: Meredith Hendershot District Office: 3072 Great Cove Road, Suite 100, Warfordsburg, PA 17267 Phone: (717) 294-2203 Site: http://www.sfsd.k12.pa.us
The Southern Fulton School District is located in Warfordsburg, PA and includes 2 schools that serve 899 students in grades K through 12.
Southern Huntingdon County School District
Superintendent: Dwayne Northcraft District Office: 10339 Pogue Road, Three Springs, PA 17264 Phone: (814) 447-5529 Site: http://www.shcsd.org
The Southern Huntingdon County School District is located in Three Springs, PA and includes 4 schools that serve 1,289 students in grades K through 12.
New Day Charter School
CEO: Fred Foster Office: 256 South 5th Street, Huntingdon, PA 16652 Phone: 814-643-7112 Site: http://www.newdaycs.org
New Day Charter School is a grade 7-12 Pennsylvania Department of Education approved regional charter school. Our school is located in Huntingdon, a small rural community in Huntingdon County. New Day Charter School serves students across the state of Pennsylvania with the majority coming from our chartering school districts: Huntingdon Area, Juniata County, Juniata Valley, and Mount Union Area and many nearby school districts as well.
Stone Valley Community Charter School
Education Director: Cheryl Casner Office: Jackson Miller Community Building, 13006 Greenwood Road, Huntingdon, PA 16652 Phone: 814-667-2705 Site: http://www.stonevalleyccs.org
Stone Valley Community Charter School is a TUITION FREE, public, community charter school, located in the heart of rural McAlevy’s Fort, PA.